Zambian Emerald (8000 per carat)
Minimum order 1 carat, Price is per carat and Maximum order is 9 carats. If you for example need 7 carat add 7 units in the cart. If you would like 7.5 or any other size, kindly contact us on 9955661108 (WhatsApp)
According to Greek Mythology, Emerald is a green coloured gemstone and comes from an ancient greek word which is translated to Latin language as Smaragdus and eventually named as Emerald. It is commonly known as Markatmoni and Panna in India. Markatmoni has come from the Sanskrit word Marakata which means the green growing things and so the gemstone is also of green colour. Emerald, also, has great importance in western astrology.
Emerald is a very beautiful and stunning stone and it is categorized in the top three stones of the world along with Ruby and Sapphires. Emerald, a cold gem is said to be a highly effective stone in Indian Vedic Astrology. Emerald, a purified stone is associated with the planet Mercury, an agent of Speech or Vaani-Karak.
The planet Mercury symbolizes hope, wisdom, bravery, expectations, and knowledge. It has a strong influence on the life of the individual and so the wearer is blessed with wisdom. The power of the gemstone is high during the spring and is a lucky symbol for love. Your partner would be faithful to you for a lifetime if you gift an Emerald to your partner.
According to Astrology, Panna stone stores the energy of Mercury and the wearer is likely to be benefitted with good health, wisdom, wealth, creativity, and blissful marital life. Emerald is the birthstone for individuals born in the month of May.
Emerald gemstone is found in countries like Russia, Brazil, South America, Zambia, Pakistan and Columbia.
1. What are the astrological benefits of wearing Emerald?
Emerald is the gemstone of the planet Mercury and it blesses the wearer intelligence, logical skills, good marketing and business skills. It also helps an individual in retaining money and students who have difficulties in learning can wear this gemstone as it can help them to a greater extent.
2. What are the personal benefits of wearing Emerald?
a) If your child finds difficulty in concentrating while studying or find difficulty in grasping the topics or your child is unable to get desired results even though he has worked hard throughout the year then this magical stone would be beneficial to them and reduce their problems and increase their focus and concentration.
b) The wearer is protected from enemies and negativity.
c) The gemstone reduces the anxiety of labour pain among pregnant women.
d) The wearer of the stone is likely to be trustworthy and loyal to the life partner and also have a better understanding among themselves.
e) The individuals can enhance their creativity, artistic talents and linguistic skills by wearing Panna stone.
f) The wearer can enrich their prospects and luck.
g) You can probably achieve your goals and enrich success at a fast pace by wearing Emerald stone.
h) The individuals who have experienced cheating and betrayal should seek consultation from Indian Astrologers regarding the usage of the stone. The stone is likely to aid them from healing your wound and bring calmness and composition in your life.
i) The stone restores affection and warmth in your love life.
3. Who should wear Emerald stone?
a) Emerald stone is highly beneficial to fashion designers, interior designers, painters, and musicians.
b) Emerald benefits to leaders, politicians, public speakers, managers and team leader as this stone empowers your communication skills.
c) Emerald stone reduces the chances of cheating and losses in business and accelerates decision making power and intuition of the wearer. Hence, it is highly beneficial to businessmen.
d) Panna stone is also beneficial to the researchers as the stone would enhance their proficiency and aid them to get great results from their research.
e) Physicians, Astrologers, healers and practitioners can avail the immense benefit by wearing Emerald stone as the stone will enhance their intellect and proficiency.
f) Individuals from IT, nuclear and astronomy fields are greatly benefitted from the power and energy of Emerald stone.
4. Which diseases can be healed wearing Emerald?
a) The individuals suffering from allergies, respiratory diseases, skin diseases and nervous disorders can get relief from it by wearing Emerald stone.
b) The individuals who have problems related to speech can overcome it after wearing Emerald stone.
c) The gemstone is also helpful in curing ailments related to stomach, kidney, brain, and ears.
d) The individuals who are suffering from stammering can recover by wearing Emerald stone.In order to get the benefits mentioned above, an individual should wear the natural and astrologically approved stone. Buy natural and certified Emerald stone online.
5. Which ascendants should wear Emerald?
a) Individuals born in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius ascendant should wear emerald.
b) Emerald stone benefits to Taurus ascendant individuals and Mercury is the lord of the second and fifth house. You should wear this stone if Mercury is afflicted by Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu and combusted by the Sun. Emerald should be worn with White Sapphire to get outstanding results.
c) Mercury is the lord of the ascendant and the tenth house for Gemini ascendant individuals and so the planet is one of the most powerful for them. You are likely to avail benefits if the planet is debilitated in the Pisces sign, afflicted by Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and combusted by the Sun. Under this situation, Emerald will neutralize the negative effect of the planet Mercury and you can attain positive results.
d) Emerald is considered as the most effective gemstone for Virgo ascendant individuals. Emerald would neutralize the planet if Mercury is debilitated, combusted in between malefic planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu.
e) Emerald gemstone is advisable to Libra ascendant individuals because Mercury is the lord of the ninth house and friendly to the ascendant lord. You can avail highly beneficial results if Emerald is worn with White Sapphire.
न्यूनतम ऑर्डर 4 कैरेट, मूल्य प्रति कैरेट है, उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपको 7 कैरेट की आवश्यकता है तो कार्ट में 7 इकाइयां जोड़ें। यदि आप 7.5 या कोई अन्य आकार चाहते हैं, तो कृपया हमसे 9955661108 (व्हाट्सएप) पर संपर्क करें।
रत्न शास्त्र में प्रमुख 9 रत्नों का वर्णन मिलता है। ये रत्नों का संबंध किसी न किसी ग्रह से होता है। साथ ही रत्न उस ग्रह के शुभ प्रभाव को बढ़ाते हैं। आपको बता दें कि जन्मकुंडली में ग्रह जब कमजोर स्थिति में स्थित होता है तो रत्न पहनने की सलाह दी जाती है। वहीं कभी भी नीच (नकारात्मक) ग्रह का रत्न नहीं पहनना चाहिए। यहां हम आज बताने जा रहे हैं पन्ना रत्न के बारे में। जिसका संबंध बुध ग्रह से माना जाता है।
पन्ना धारण करने से बिजनेस में लाभ होता है। क्योंकि पन्ना रत्न का संबंध बुध ग्रह से माना जाता है और बुध को व्यापार का दाता माना जाता है। इसलिए पन्ना धारण करने से व्यापार में अच्छी सफलता मिलती है। वहीं जो लोग मीडिया, संगीत, गणित और फिल्म लाइन से जुड़े हुए हैं, वो लोग पन्ना धारण कर सकते हैं। साथ ही जो लोग तोतले या उनका उच्चारण सही नहीं होता है, ऐसे लोग भी पन्ना धारण कर सकते हैं। क्योंकि वाणी से संबंधित रोग बुध देव ही देते हैं।