Business Astrology Consultation
Every Individual who is successful in Business is successful because he or she is working according to his or her Planets.
Those who are stuck in the business can change the game by simply understanding the Planetary combinations.
Business Astrology Consultation
In this consultation main attention is given to the Business Combinations in KP Astrology, Dhan Yogas in Vedic Astrology.
As a part of the reading you will get a clear picture of your business Potential and also you will get the Remedies for the same.
You will get clarity on your Chart combinations for your Business, then you can accordingly plan your business activities.
Corporate Numerology
This is ideal for Companies with team members
In this consultation you will learn more about your current staff from just their official DOB
Apart from that you can also Hire a person with good numbers
You can build a team or task force with best numbers for that task
You can reduce your Hiring Cost by selecting the right kind of person who is going to be loyal

Commercial Vastu
In this consultation Maha-Vastu of your office, factories, shops, showrooms will be done.
With the use of navigation tools, I can find the exact degree of your premises.
Then complete study of 32 Sub- Cardinal Directions and 45 Devtas will be done.
By using various remedies all the Doshas will be eliminated